My PRODUCT Journey


I started my career in IT as a Software Quality Analyst, and my curiosity has led me to bounce around different roles to gain a deeper understanding of what each job role entails. I've been a Product Owner, Web Developer, Scrum Master, Delivery Manager, and Solutions Architect. I also took on short contracts and gigs online as a Technical Business Analyst, Project Manager, Web Designer, Animation Artist, Customer Support, and Digital Marketer.

My career path may not have been a linear one, but my unwavering passion for learning and honing skills that can contribute value to an organisation has always guided me. I have gained hands-on experience in nearly every role involved in creating a digital product, enabling me to work effectively with teams and help accomplish business objectives. This drive to make a meaningful contribution has often led me to question myself, "What more can I do?"

Through my career journey since 2010, I've found that there's always a recurring gap to be filled in most of the organisations I've been with. This gap is the resource that manages and ensures continuous improvement and growth are upheld and sustained, not only for the internal teams and processes but also for the organisation's products and services. As a catalyst of change, I have brought upon transformation to organisations from having a project mindset, to a product mindset. Since then, my life at work has always been an amalgamation of an Agile Leader, a Spark Plug, and a Product Champion combined. I find this unique space gratifying as I increasingly lean towards Product Management.

Here are some of my key learnings from my previous experiences that helped shape me as a Product Manager:

Each of these experiences contributed to a significant level of growth in different ways that I can attribute to the practice of Product Management concepts.

As my journey continues, there are only a few things I can really describe myself as... I'm an action oriented, lean thinking, truth seeking, value building, and growth-obsessed Agile Product Manager.

Product Management
/ˈprɒdʌkt manɪdʒm(ə)nt/